Thursday, 23 November 2006

Baby steps

No courage to face the IOW ferries in the solent, but we motored around the marina to the fuel pontoon to fill up. It was a nice day until the sprayhood came down and then the wind started. It got to 30kts, blowing us off the pontoon, but we got in, filled up and back to our berth with no bumps.

Monday, 13 November 2006

Bob saves the day

Set off from Chichester with Bob at 1330 bound for Plymouth. Horrible conditions, felt more like a submarine than a boat. Mayuri very sick. Picked up a mooring buoy in Cowes at 2030 and waited for the tide. Set off at 0515 with a worsening forcast and fog/mist, so motored to Lymington (0830).

Friday, 3 November 2006

First time!

We went out into the marina for some practice under engines. We both had a go. Suprisingly, I came into the berth really well, but Mayuri wouldn't jump the 30cm to go ashore with the lines. Luckily our neighbour was there and everything ended up fine.

Wednesday, 1 November 2006

First outing

Alex & Jenny kindly popped down to bring us a radio & a torch. They took us for lunch at the yacht club and then out for a spin around the marina to get the hang of the controls. There were a few things I'd not realised about the hydraulic drives, which made me glad that I hadn't attempted to go out before.