Wednesday, 31 January 2007


In the sound tacking & gybing. Everything good until we berthed. While I was putting up the cockpit tent, one of the poles went over the side - only 7m away but lost for good in the deep mud bottom :-(

Tuesday, 30 January 2007


Motored up to Mount Edgecombe national park as no wind and put the anchor out for the first time. Spent a couple of hours, me redoing the wood with teak oil, and Mayuri reading (Skipping Christmas, John Grisham). Just far enough off the beach so the party of schoolkids couldn't hit us with stones.

Sunday, 28 January 2007

More practice

Tacking practice in shipping channel up to navy buoys. Still freezing.

Friday, 26 January 2007

Hamoaze picnic

Sailed into the sound and up the Hamoaze. Caught a mooring bouy, and stopped for tea. (1320 - 1420)

Wednesday, 24 January 2007

First time on our own!

Went into Plymouth sound to practise some tacking (1320 - 1420). Really cold day, no other boats except a warship. We were doing well until half way through a tack we stopped - dead! A few minutes later (after trying with the boat hook & losing it) I was changed from thermals into shorts taking my first dip to free a lobster pot that we snagged up on. Must remember to look where we're going next time. Went straight back home.