Set off for the dandy hole on the river Lynher at about 1400 yesterday. We beat into a headwind all the way but gave up at the start of the Lynher (and the narrow navigable channel) when it increased to 25kts, and motored the rest of the way.
After anchoring about three times (the depth gauge started playing up just as we needed it), we finally shut the doors and had dinner. I went to bed at about 2100, but woke a few hours later to the sound of rushing water. I didn't realise the tide would be so fast and wished we'd set the anchor more carefully. I didn't sleep much again. Things floating past hit the side, and I wondered how we'd end up at 0200 when the tide was out - on our side if we weren't properly in the hole.
Everything ended up ok, and we had an easy downwind sail (just the genoa up) all the way back to yachthaven this morning. - Until ten minutes before we berthed and the wind went back up to 25kts just as a final test.
After anchoring about three times (the depth gauge started playing up just as we needed it), we finally shut the doors and had dinner. I went to bed at about 2100, but woke a few hours later to the sound of rushing water. I didn't realise the tide would be so fast and wished we'd set the anchor more carefully. I didn't sleep much again. Things floating past hit the side, and I wondered how we'd end up at 0200 when the tide was out - on our side if we weren't properly in the hole.
Everything ended up ok, and we had an easy downwind sail (just the genoa up) all the way back to yachthaven this morning. - Until ten minutes before we berthed and the wind went back up to 25kts just as a final test.