Saturday, 21 July 2007

Mast down

Up at 0730 today as the chandler told us to be next to the crane at 0900ish. 25 split pins had to be unbent & removed, electrics separated & bolts loosened. The sails, boom & other bits were taken off yesterday ready. Luckily the thunder & lightning had finished and the rain stopped for us. The mast came down ok and we motored back to our berth with it balanced on the roof like a big battering ram, 2m longer than when we set off. I spent the rest of the day making a frame to support it properly with some bits of wood we bought in Poole, strapping the sail battens, boom & everything else that’s too long to fit in the cabin onto the mast as well. We were just about done & cleaned up by 2130 - the first 14 hour day for a while!

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