Wednesday, 1 August 2007
Knocked up by the lockkeeper this morning at 0745 and told to get going as we couldn't stay parked next to the lock. Off by 0755! Sunny all day but cold wind until dinner when it became really hot. Had a couple of bumps with the locks due to the cross currents at the entrance but as the bow was right on target every time, it was just the back end - protected by fenders that hit each time, although our fender board got caught on something on one entry and was snapped in two. Just turned onto the canal de la Marne a la Saone, hoping to get a parking space in the halte nautique but it was full so carried on until 1815 when the locks shut. Parked at the dock of Champagne cereales with two barges unloading the six massive concrete bunkers of grain. Lots of tractors & trailers tipping corn at the weigh bridge next to us but luckily the wind is blowing the right way for a change to avoid the dust. See if we're moved on when someone in charge realises we're here!