Saturday, 4 August 2007


1939 Another hot sunny day in the mountains or hills or whatever they are at 250m above sea level. Really nice scenery but spoiled a bit when we caught up with a motor boat just before dinner. Although we let him zoom away at each lock, the students who were following and operating them waited for us at the next one every time. He didn't go to the front of the locks which meant our overhanging mast was very close to the doors. Luckily we've got the roping procedure well sorted to prevent surging so there were no accidents. We finished the day early at 1635 in Chaumont. After paying our 6.6 euros for the night we walked the 2km into town and caught up with our emails in an internet café then bought some more food. Student coming at 0830 tomorrow for the next run of locks.

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