Sunday, 29 July 2007

Kingfishers and Herons

Slow start to the day as we didn’t see the lock keeper turn up until 0900. I made use of the time making another fender from some thick rope we nearly got caught up in on the second day. The Ash forest we were in yesterday had changed to having quite a lot of oak, and to make it even more like England we had lots of rain. The lock keeper gave us another remote control for the other locks and we did 13 in all up and down and another 2km tunnel in between.
These smaller canals seem like the land that time forgot as they go through the forests, as the edges are hidden behind undergrowth and fallen trees hang out into the canal and herons with their massive wingspans swoop around all over. We (I) saw loads of kingfishers, twice with fish in their beaks but still wasn’t quick enough to get a picture. We finished at 2015, mooring up to the piles at the side (after our first attempt left us grounded in a shallow bit again!) We’re in the middle of nowhere on a double bend as it’s really difficult to find a spot that’s suitable to tie up next to and we have to stop by sunset so I’m hoping any barges that come past will be paying attention.

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