Thursday, 22 May 2008

And We Have Countdown...

Only 2 more hours to go before the crane arrives to move Janix and put her back into the water after almost 9 months drying out. Tomorrow morning we plan to be away first thing and sailing at last.

Shane has gone to the chandlery to get….something. (I forget what. He did tell me.)

The car was sold a couple of days ago to our contingency buyer. The French lads didn’t show again. They must have found out just how expensive it was to import a car and thought better of it. So Shane went to see the German man who apparently lives on a ship and has four cars parked around it already being used as storage space.

Anyway, so Shane’s walking the 500m there and back which should give me enough time to write a couple of emails, go to the office and connect, come back and take in the bedcovers that I washed this morning (no mean feat - they’re king sized and I still struggle to hand wash and wring them all effectively. Yes, they’ve been supplied from another favourite source - Terri Provisions (UK) Ltd!).

Still left to do - washing and cleaning the boat inside and out. Shane still seems to have several items on his list, not sure what they all are…I have the ultra important tasks of course. Making pasta for our lunch tomorrow whilst we’re out at sea (no car therefore no fresh bread - we did get some from our shopping trip on Monday whilst we still had the car but it’s all gone now. Shane says we can’t do any more shopping for another month now because the bill came to 90 euros!).

It’s been nice here, but it’s definitely time to go….Shane’s back (got a lift there from a Frenchman and then ran back!). And so I have to go now as time is of the essence….